About the Business

Ana Marqués Serrano | Abogado Fuengirola is located at Av. Matías Sáenz de Tejada, 3, Oficina 301, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga, Please contact the business direct for opening hours as these have not been supplied.

You can phone them direct on 686 04 26 52. You can also visit them online by Clicking Here.

Google is reporting the business has had 72 reviews and was rated 5.0 out of 5 stars as of 15/02/1024.

About the Area

Fuengirola, Spain, nestled on the Costa del Sol, offers a perfect mix of sun, sea, and culture. Start your day with a leisurely stroll along its expansive sandy beaches, Playa de Fuengirola and Playa de los Boliches. Relax under the warm Mediterranean sun or take a dip in the crystal-clear waters.

Explore the vibrant streets of Fuengirola's city center, where you'll find an array of shops, cafes, and restaurants. Visit the lively fish market or indulge in some tapas at a local bar.

Don't miss the medieval Sohail Castle, perched on a hill overlooking the town, offering stunning panoramic views of the coastline. Take a tour of the castle grounds and learn about its rich history.

For family-friendly fun, head to the Bioparc Fuengirola, a unique zoo where animals roam freely in recreated natural habitats. Kids will love getting up close to animals from around the world.

In the evening, experience Fuengirola's bustling nightlife scene. Enjoy dinner at a beachfront restaurant, followed by drinks at one of the many bars along the promenade.

With its beautiful beaches, cultural attractions, and vibrant atmosphere, Fuengirola promises an unforgettable holiday on the Costa del Sol.

Fuengirola, Spain enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, perfect for year-round visits.

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    686 04 26 52

  • Located at

    Av. Matías Sáenz de Tejada, 3, Oficina 301, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga


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