About the Business

Óptica Voro - Calpe is located at Carrer la Pinta, 2, 03710 Calp, Alicante, Please contact the business direct for opening hours as these have not been supplied.

You can phone them direct on 965 83 64 04. You can also visit them online by Clicking Here.

Google is reporting the business has had 7 reviews and was rated 4.9 out of 5 stars as of 15/02/1024.

About the Area

Calpe, situated on Spain's Costa Blanca, offers a blend of natural beauty, rich history, and modern amenities.

Begin your journey by visiting the iconic Penyal d'Ifac, a towering limestone rock formation rising from the sea, offering panoramic views of the coast.

Explore the historic Old Town, with its winding streets, whitewashed buildings, and medieval architecture. Don't miss the Mosaico de los Banos de la Reina, ancient Roman fish farms dating back to the 1st century AD.

Relax on the sandy beaches of Playa de la Fossa or Playa del Arenal-Bol, where you can soak up the Mediterranean sun or enjoy water sports such as windsurfing and snorkeling.

Indulge in fresh seafood at waterfront restaurants, sampling local specialties like paella and grilled fish. Experience Calpe's vibrant culinary scene at tapas bars and traditional eateries.

For outdoor enthusiasts, the Sierra de Oltà offers hiking trails with stunning mountain and sea views. Alternatively, take a boat trip to explore the nearby coastal caves and hidden coves.

As evening falls, stroll along the promenade and admire the picturesque views of the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. Then, head to the marina area to enjoy cocktails and live music at waterfront bars.

With its stunning natural landscapes, historic charm, and culinary delights, Calpe promises an unforgettable experience on the Costa Blanca.

Calpe, Spain enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, making it perfect for year-round visits.

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    965 83 64 04

  • Located at

    Carrer la Pinta, 2, 03710 Calp, Alicante


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