About the Business

Peluquería Lourdes Lemus is located at Carrer la Carrasca, n,7, _local 4, 03590 Altea, Alicante, Please contact the business direct for opening hours as these have not been supplied.

You can phone them direct on 965 84 31 42.

Google is reporting the business has had 9 reviews and was rated 4.8 out of 5 stars as of 15/02/1024.

About the Area

Altea, a picturesque town on the Costa Blanca in Spain, is known for its charming cobblestone streets, whitewashed buildings, and stunning sea views.

Begin your exploration by wandering through the historic old town, where you'll discover quaint squares, artisan shops, and inviting cafes. Don't miss the iconic blue-domed church of Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, a symbol of Altea's beauty.

Stroll along the palm-lined promenade, enjoying panoramic vistas of the Mediterranean Sea. Relax on the pebble beaches of Playa de la Roda or Playa de Cap Blanch, ideal for swimming and sunbathing.

For nature lovers, the Sierra de Bernia offers hiking trails with breathtaking mountain and coastal views. Alternatively, explore the nearby Sierra Helada Natural Park, home to diverse flora and fauna.

Indulge in traditional Spanish cuisine at waterfront restaurants, savoring fresh seafood paella and locally caught fish. Experience the town's vibrant cultural scene at art galleries and music festivals.

As the sun sets, admire the twinkling lights of Altea from the Mirador de la Cruz del Castell, a hilltop viewpoint. Then, join locals for a leisurely evening stroll or indulge in tapas and sangria at a cozy tavern.

With its enchanting beauty and relaxed atmosphere, Altea promises a memorable experience on the Costa Blanca.

Altea, Spain enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, perfect for year-round enjoyment.

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    965 84 31 42

  • Located at

    Carrer la Carrasca, n,7, _local 4, 03590 Altea, Alicante


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