About the Business

Ferretería Farell is located at C/ Pintor Lorenzo Casanova, 28, 03003 Alacant, Alicante, Please contact the business direct for opening hours as these have not been supplied.

You can phone them direct on 965 12 52 22. You can email them by Clicking Here. You can also visit them online by Clicking Here.

Google is reporting the business has had 348 reviews and was rated 3.9 out of 5 stars as of 15/02/1024.

About the Area

Alicante, a coastal city in Spain's southeastern Costa Blanca region, offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and beach life.

Begin your journey by exploring the historic Santa Bárbara Castle, perched atop Mount Benacantil, offering panoramic views of the city and sea.

Stroll along the Explanada de España, a palm-lined promenade by the waterfront, and visit the lively Central Market to sample local produce and delicacies.

Unwind on the golden sands of Postiguet Beach, nestled at the foot of the castle, or head to the tranquil coves of Cabo de las Huertas for a more secluded experience.

Delve into Alicante's rich history at the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) or discover contemporary art at the MACA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante).

Indulge in traditional Spanish cuisine at restaurants serving paella, tapas, and fresh seafood, paired with local wines from the nearby Alicante wine region.

As night falls, immerse yourself in Alicante's vibrant nightlife scene. Enjoy drinks at beachfront bars, dance the night away at clubs, or savor a leisurely evening meal at a charming plaza.

With its blend of culture, cuisine, and coastal beauty, Alicante offers a captivating experience on Spain's Mediterranean coast.

Alicante, Spain boasts a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, making it a perfect destination year-round.

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    965 12 52 22

  • Located at

    C/ Pintor Lorenzo Casanova, 28, 03003 Alacant, Alicante


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