About the Business

Asesoría Infoserco is located at Av. d'Isidor Macabich, 25, Entresuelo, 07800 Eivissa, Illes Balears, Please contact the business direct for opening hours as these have not been supplied.

You can phone them direct on 971 30 35 89.

Google is reporting the business has had and was rated out of 5 stars as of 15/02/1024.

About the Area

Ibiza, a stunning island in the Balearic archipelago of Spain, is renowned for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural heritage.

Start your journey by exploring Ibiza Town's historic Dalt Vila, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where you'll find ancient fortifications, charming streets, and panoramic views of the Mediterranean.

Relax on the sandy shores of iconic beaches like Playa d'en Bossa, Ses Salines, or Cala Comte, known for their crystal-clear waters and vibrant beach clubs.

Indulge in Mediterranean cuisine at waterfront restaurants, sampling fresh seafood, paella, and traditional Spanish tapas.

Experience Ibiza's legendary nightlife at world-famous clubs like Pacha, Amnesia, and Ushuaïa, where top DJs spin music until the early hours.

For a more laid-back vibe, explore the island's hippie markets, yoga retreats, and secluded coves, perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation.

As night falls, immerse yourself in Ibiza's bohemian atmosphere, with live music performances, art exhibitions, and cultural events happening across the island.

With its blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and vibrant nightlife, Ibiza promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Mediterranean.

Ibiza, Spain enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, making it ideal for year-round visits.

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    971 30 35 89

  • Located at

    Av. d'Isidor Macabich, 25, Entresuelo, 07800 Eivissa, Illes Balears


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